A Non Materialistic Gift Giving Guide: For the Special Ones In Your Life

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, February is a month for celebrating love. And when it comes to love, as Alicia Keys sings, “Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything, but everything means nothing, if I ain’t got you.” 

In this spirit, we’ve put together a non-materialistic gift giving guide that’s all about creating moments of togetherness and connection with the people who matter most in your life.

The gift of time

Wish you had more hours in a day? While that’s technically not possible, you can save some time by outsourcing tedious chores and freeing up more time to spend with those you love!

House Cleaning Service

There’s nothing like the feeling of walking into a freshly cleaned home. Book a house cleaning service for a friend or loved one to treat them to that sparkly clean feeling + having a few extra hours to kick back and relax! 

Or, book one for yourself, so that instead of cleaning, you can spend the time preparing a home cooked candlelight dinner for a special someone. 

House Cleaning on the URBN app starts at $185 for a 1-Bedroom Cleaning

Meal subscription

Know someone who is always in back to back meetings? Keep them well nourished and help them save that extra bit of time by giving them a meal subscription from a provider like Blue Apron, Freshly, HelloFresh or many others. 

The gift of connection

Yoga or Meditation Class

When we connect with ourselves, we can better connect with those around us. Rekindling these connections takes intentional and deliberate slowing down, and joining a yoga or meditation class and bringing a loved one along can help you do just that! 

Sip and Paint Experience

Let your creative side loose and see another side of your special someone, be it a partner or bestie, by going to a sip and paint event with them! Unwind with your favorite drink in hand and let your imagination run free on canvas. 


A candlelight dinner at home can be a wonderful way to build intimacy in a relationship. The soft light of the candles creates a cozy and romantic atmosphere, allowing couples to disconnect from the distractions of the outside world and focus on each other.

Sitting down for a shared meal, whether it be a fancy dinner or a simple home-cooked meal, can foster meaningful conversations and deeper connections. This quality time together can help strengthen the bond between partners, leading to increased intimacy and a happier relationship.

The gift of experiences

In-Home Women’s and Men’s Haircut

Pamper someone you love this month with an in-house salon treat! Instead of the hassle of going to a salon/barber and waiting for a seat, have an expert stylist come directly to you, in the comfort of your home.

Book a Women’s Haircut for $125 and Men’s Haircut for $85 on the URBN app

Online Classes

If you have a person in your life who is always learning something new, why not give them a subscription to an online learning platform, be it Duolingo, Masterclass or Skillshare?

In-Home Massage

Give the gift of relaxation and wellness, with an in-home massage that will melt stress and tension away from the comfort of home! 

Book a 60 or 90-minute massage starting at $195 on the URBN app

Day trip getaway

If you are looking for a creative way to celebrate a loved one, why not plan a fun day trip or road trip to a nearby town or city? You don't have to spend a lot of money, and you can make it extra special by inviting a few friends along for the ride!

We hope this guide has inspired your planning in making this Valentine’s Day a memorable one for your special person (or people!). Ultimately, it’s not about how extravagant the gift is, but about reminding the people who matter most just how much they mean to us. From all of us at URBN Playground, we wish you a love-filled Valentine’s Day!


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