Five Self-Care Tips for Everyone to Enjoy

The term self-care is more than lavish spending at a spa or on vacation, but more so keeping up a basic and therapeutic routine. In today’s society, we tend to forget our own needs and how to meet those needs, accordingly. It is one of the most important factors to keep us mentally and physically stable each day. Self-care can be as basic as getting 7 to 8 hrs of sleep each day and taking a multivitamin. Check out these tips below, put yourself to the test, and treat yourself at the end of the week.

Tip #1 Hydration

Being properly hydrated not only is good for both your skin and digestive health, but it also affects our energy levels. If you are an active person, you need to hydrate even more before, during, and after your workouts for optimal results. After all, no one wants to begin a workout just to feel the joints cracking and a tight back.

Before: be sure to consume two cups of water before your workout. Avoid caffeinated beverages that can dehydrate you quickly.

During: Drink a minimum of 4-6 ounces every 15-20 minutes to keep your body well hydrated (pro tip: 4 ounces is roughly the size of any standard shot glass). The longer the workout, which would be an hour or more of strenuous work, be sure to have a combination of water and a sports drink that contains electrolytes. Staying hydrated will decrease your chances of injury, headaches, and improve performance.

After: Make your regular water fancy and primed for recovery-even at home! Add cucumber slices, limes, and lemons, or even pineapple to your water to infuse it not only with flavor but extra vitamins and minerals and give you the sensation of being at the spa!

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Tip #2 Moisturizing your skin

Moisturizing your skin doesn't have to be expensive but is definitely worth an investment. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and receives the most exposure from the sun and outdoor elements. Yes, you can walk inside your local drug store or order products online but make sure you do the following: identify your skin type and pick a moisturizer that contains SPF. If you are outdoors longer than two hours, make sure you reapply.  At night use a toner, gentle exfoliator, and night serum. Check out this link to identify your skin type A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Personalized Skincare Routine. If you find your skin needs additional moisture, perhaps during a period of high stress or winter months, opt for a hydrating mask.  For a classic  facial moisturizer with SPF, check out Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer SPF 30 Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer SPF 30 .

Tip #3 Soak your Feet in Epsom Salt

Soaking your feet in Epsom salt is by far one of the most underrated forms of self-care. Activities such as running, walking the city streets, or cycling to the workplace tremendous amounts of pressure and stress on your feet. Soaking your feet in Epsom salt has benefits such as reducing muscle soreness, exfoliating, and reducing potential foot odor. Plus, it just feels amazing!

DIY Epsom Salt Foot Soak

A foot soak involves immersing the feet in warm water. According to the Arthritis Foundation, water temperatures between 92°F and 100°F are best to ease soreness.

To use Epsom salt in a foot soak, consider the following steps:

1.    Fill a basin or foot spa with enough warm water to cover the feet up to the ankles.

2.    Add half or three-quarters of a cup of Epsom salt to the water.

3.    Place the feet in the soak for about 20 to 30 minutes.

4.    Dry thoroughly after the soak and then moisturize the feet.


Tip #4 Sleep Matters

What matters the most is the quality of your sleep you get tonight. In turn, you can go harder in workouts tomorrow. Sleep recalibrates our body and rejuvenates our mind, muscles, and mood. Lack of sleep comes with a series of health issues which include: hormonal imbalances, weight gain, and not to mention; feeling miserable. Getting a good night’s sleep comes with habits that include: exercise, cutting down on alcoholic beverages, and reducing screen time at night. An evening meditation will soothe your mind and help you drift off peacefully so that you can tackle what the next day brings--we like the Calm App or Insight Timer.


Tip #5 Treat Yourself

Life is tough and you should indulge yourself more often. By implementing one or all of these self-care options, your reward can be anything from seeing live music, watching a new movie, or enjoying your favorite treat in moderation.

Regardless of your wellness routine, self-care can be as simple as sleep and more water intake. Try any single tip above for the next 5-7 days, and try another one after that. Remember it takes time to build up healthy patterns and habits, and this is true for self-care as well.

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A Final Note

Interested in taking self-care to the next level? We have virtual meditation, yoga, nutrition coaching, and personal training available via the URBN APP.


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